Message from Adrian Morey

Hi, my name is Adrian Morey and I am the co-author of the groundbreaking Best Practice Guide for Project, Programme, and Portfolio Governance (P3G).

Thank you for attending my session “Common deficiencies and risks in project, programme, and portfolio governance” organised by thePMI Queensland chapter. I hope you enjoyed the session and found it useful.

As a token of my appreciation for your attendance, I would like to provide you with a complimentary copy of the P3G Guide (e-book format), courtesy of P3GQA, the Project, Programme & Portfolio Governance Qualification Authority.

Please fill out the request form located on the bottom of the page.

To your success!

Adrian Morey I Director I OUTCOME ADVISORY

T: 0409 613 986 E:  W:

book reviews

Provides a very useful reference that draws on good practice from a range of bodies of knowledge. The authors have taken time to identify practical examples and provide useful references and templates to get you moving.

I liked the book because it provides a really good insights into the dark arts of governance.

I think the 10 governance principles described in the book are excellent and provide a pragmatic framework on which to build your model.

I have applied some of the principles in my work and found that they work when applied by intelligent people who understand their intent and can apply them pragmatically.


Managing Director, Lead Author MSP and P3M3

Aspire Europe Limited

United Kingdom

Looking for some contained thinking around governance that’s more than just “it depends”? The P3G book is a great place to start your journey. Guided by core principles, the authors provide grounded guidance based on real world learning, and absorbing advice from a variety of practitioners and sources on how to improve real outcomes for organisations.

In a future version it would be interesting to see even greater ties to thinking in bodies like SAFe and Scrum@Scale – but there’s a lot to learn even from this current incarnation.

I liked the book because it takes an enthusiastic run at a variety of thorny topics which can be difficult to provide firm guidance on.

I think the 10 governance principles described in the book are a great prompt for practitioners in the governance space to think more broadly about how to bring method to (often) madness.

Kit Friend

Agile Coach



THIS is the book! – ‘Project, Programme and Portfolio Governance’. Well done authors Ross Garland and Adrian Morey MBA GAICD! (with great forward by Stephen Jenner!). Governance is where value is lost or gained, and investments in strategy and change (Portfolios, Programmes, and Projects) are notoriously poorly governed. Published by the TSO this book is a must on every Investment Committee’s, Project Sponsor’s, or Project Manager’s desk.

For me the value of the book is in its 10 Principles – each an essential P3M governance tenet – advice on how to apply these (including critical sections: “how to establish new arrangements”, and “scaling them to your needs”!) and case studies demonstrating how its done.

I liked the book because it is easy to read, insightful, pragmatic, and critically, is supported by training and certification – indeed its the only recognised qualification for project, programme and portfolio governance worldwide!

I think the 10 governance principles described in the book are essential – so often these are not brought to the surface early enough, and too often, not at all!

Grant Avery


Outcome Insights

New Zealand

As a Mentor, Coach and Trainer, and best practice advocate and practitioner, I’ve always been concerned with referring those new to the world of P3M management, control, governance, and delivery to begin with some of the best practice guidance and training; not that I’m against PRINCE2, MSP, Better Business Cases for example – they all have their place in the P3M world; I live by them 😉. These methods and frameworks do not provide a holistic overview of P3M and offer tools and techniques to be a good ‘manager’ or ‘leader’ in delivery, support, management, and control.
I think in the future, I will point new starters in P3M to this guidance P3G…if we all had this foundation, then my job in P3M assurance and P3M3 assessment would be easier.

I liked the book because as a best practice advocate, this book aligns to other best practice for P3M [project, programme, portfolio management] and provides a great overview to governance, management, control and ownership.

I think the 10 governance principles described in the book are well set out with an easy read diagram that points out to those accountable and responsible what is key to make change successful.

I have applied some of the principles in my work and found that these are a must; and have lived by this code in essence over the my years in P3M.

Deb Hopkins-Hurt

Executive Director

AHE Partnership

United Kingdom

I liked the book because it was easy to read and laid out nicely in a way that made learning logical for me.

I read the entire book before I attended the training course with Ross and I always use this method to establish whether I’m able to learn directly from book or is it so abstract that without the training, the book doesn’t make sense.

I’m pleased to report that the book made sense and I understood the import of its message and its importance when applied to my clients. The training with Ross only enhanced that sense and therefore I’d recommend this book to anyone interested in learning the latest and greatest on project, programme and portfolio governance. It’s not verbose and neither is it stark, it’s the right balance.

I think the 10 governance principles described in the book are full and complete and cover off all the dimensions required for governance.

I have applied some of the principles in my work and found that my clients are responding extremely well to the ‘new and improved’ right practice guidance this book contains.

Youssef Mourra 

Director, Principal P3M Consultant


New Zealand

*Supplies for this offer are limited & books will be sent out on first-come-first-serve basis